What is the new Earth? A planet that has outgrown the old paradigm, a planet where humans coexist and co-create with all living beings, nature, the earth in harmony.
This new EARTH is already here and now, but it will only become visible to us when we develop and expand our multidimensional senses to see, feel and touch it.
Unlike the old paradigm, we do not have to work hard, acquire academic knowledge or have all kinds of diplomas to do this.
What we do need to do, however, is to be authentic and become fully conscious, responsible human beings.

How will the new EARTH look like?

Well, this answer is a very individual one. It will look like YOU will manifest it.
The new Earth, just like the old, is the result of our individual (and humanities) state of consciousness . The old world is the result of a predominantly unconscious humanity, while the new earth will be the result of a conscious humanity composed of self-actualized individuals.
The new earth is therefore a conscious EARTH, a being with which we can - already - communicate.

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