> Art that inspires the Birth of Self

Art that inspires the Birth of Self

The initiatory path of self discovery and self knowledge is a process of repeated deaths and rebirths of self. We let go of beliefs, perceptions, rules we have embodied along our life(s) to make space for new things to come in. Like the infinity loop (I talk about here) every ending is also a beginning.
The works I invite you to contemplate in this section are related to this process of death and rebirth, which can be frightening, because it challenges us to go into the unknown. To the space in between. I invite you to open up to these works, don’t be afraid to face the unknown, it is there, where you will find more of yourself. 
The path of death and rebirth is a spiraling process that goes from unknowing to realization, then integration, and then transcendence (death) to the birth of the next stage spiraling up to the next level of the unknown and mystery.

There are many symbols that represent this idea, the main ones I chose in my works are:
1. The infinity sign, that has no beginning and no end.
2. The Phoenix, that rises from its own ashes

3. Our own body, that is in the in-between states of stretching and leaving the old skin, in order to get a new one, a new body, a new
life a new self.

How to approach these works
and use them on your path of self dicovery:

Open up, quiet your mind, breath in and with breathing out you let go of all mind chatter.
Look for any feelings of grief, of sadness, stagnation but also of anger, of movement, and let them come up.
If you have an idea, ask a question that is related to these feelings or just open up to receive an inspiration. Next, go through the works and find the art work that resonates deeply with your current situation on all levels of your being. You can do this either by scrolling through and consciously finding a work or just randomly pick one. Either way you will find the work, that you need at this point in time. Now have a deeper look at it. It’s not the question, if you "like" the work or not. Quiet your mind, open up within and let your inner intuition guide you. The work has a unique effect, inspiration or activation for you. It can be appealing or repelling. Know, that this is not the art work per se doing this, it's a mirror for a reaction within you, that you can now address: What do you see? A Death or a Birth? What comes up for you? Where are you in this image? What does it remind you of? What kind of feelings/images/memories does it evoke? Does it change, while you look at it? Be very attentive of what is happening. You connected with the work for a reason and now it is giving you your very personal unique message. That can come in mentally, as words, it can come in emotionally, physically as bodily sensations, it can be a spiritual experience. Know that there is no right or wrong here. Don't judge the process but receive the experience, as it is your co-creation and therefore unique to you. When you finish this, you can come back the next day, and see if your perception changed. Maybe now you see the other side you haven’t seen before? You can do this process either here, directly on the screen or you can purchase an art print of that work and use it in its physical form as a guide, if you want to go deeper into this process.
Purchase an affordable art print on my website or get in touch with me regarding the availability of the original work.
If you want this process to be authentic and in integrity, I kindly ask you to respect my creative work and copyright, and make no private, unauthorized prints of my works. Thank you.

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